
Home > ヒーティングSOSボディジェル(グリーン3)



  • 強力な温め効果
  • 筋肉をリラックスさせます。
  • 血行を促進します。
  • 運動後に塗ってください。
  • 皮膚に素早く吸収されます。
  • 動物性原料は一切使用していません。
  • 容器はバイオプラスチック製です。


How does warm muscle pain relief gel work?

Sportsbalm Heating SOS Gel is an extra warm muscle balm that penetrates deep into the muscles thanks to specially selected ingredients such as harpagophytum procumbens (devil’s claw) and nettle. There, the gel provides long-lasting warmth, and stimulates the blood circulation in the muscle tissue.

Strong warming

Heating SOS gel is extra strong and even works in problem areas with low blood circulation, including the lower back, shoulders and neck. As a result, stiff muscles are relieved, waste products are removed more efficiently, and muscles recover faster.

A Hoe gebruik je Sportsbalm Heating SOS Gel?

Apply the heating muscle gel to all areas with tired, sore or strained muscles and tendons. The warming gel penetrates deep into the muscles without irritating the skin. The Heating SOS Gel is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy layer. Try the powerful muscle pain relief gel for yourself and experience a faster recovery after hard workouts!

Sore today. Strong tomorrow

Muscle recovery starts with adequate rest. But there are several situations where recovery is necessary. Have a look at our Recovery series to find out which Sportsbalm suits your recovery.

Recovery series
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