ミディアムウォーミングバルム(レッド2)はウォーミングシリーズの中で 筋肉を温める効果が中ぐらいの商品です。気温5℃~10℃の寒い時期や雨天時に使用してください。運動前に塗って筋肉と腱を活性化しウォーミングアップしてください。血行が良くなり、筋肉への酸素の供給と筋肉からの老廃物の排出の両方が促進されます。その結果、痙攣しにくく、乳酸が筋肉に蓄積する速度が緩やかになり、怪我のリスクも低くなります。また、温め効果は怪我防止だけでなく寒さや雨への対策になります。
気温 5℃~10℃ の寒い時期や雨天時に使用します。
How does our edium muscle warming cream work?
Sportsbalm Medium Warming Balm keeps your muscles and tendons warm for a long time by optimizing blood flow. This allows your muscles to function better for longer. The balm also ensures effective oxygen transport and accelerates the removal of waste products. This reduces the risk of muscle acidification. Ingredients responsible for warming your muscles and stimulating the blood circulation include capsicum, cajuputi and lemon grass.
When should you use Sportsbalm Medium Warming Balm?
Sportsbalm Medium Warming Balm works best at temperatures between 5°C and 10°C. The balm is breathable yet water resistant, so it also works great in humid weather conditions. This means you can exercise every day, all year round! Try it yourself and train carefree with warm, supple and well-protected muscles.
For which sports is it suitable?
The Sportsbalm Medium Warming Balm is mainly suitable for outdoor sports during cold weather conditions. Examples of sports are:
- Cycling
- Football
- Running
- Walking
- Bootcamp
- And more…
Fire up your workout
Prevent muscle pain and injuries by using a good muscle heat ointment before exercise. See which Sportsbalm suits you!
Warming series